Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Better to be UP and IN than DOWN and OUT!

The season really has drawn to a close with the last matches played this weekend. So now is the time to plan for next year. It's Onwards and Upwards for the NCI Ladies as we are now IN a proper league. (Promotion after only one season! Well done girls.) We also aim to continue to make our mark in the Studs and Stumps League as members of the IV team. A slight concern is the fact the IVs Captain Richard Young has been seen heading Downwards and Outwards. In his usual unnecessarily dramatic style of fielding he ended up sprawling his way to a seriously busted knee. His good knee! Well at least he waited to the end of the season to get his crutches out. Here's hoping the new bionic knee will be working for next season. Get better soon Richi.

I suggest we get together to discuss and plan our agenda for the AGM. We need to be able to put our proposals for coaching, subs, kit purchasing, roles and responsibilities such as Captain, Vice, Fixtures, Cakes Monitor, Website Admin, etc. Being democratic this is your opportunity to make requests or suggestions for what you would like to do or have. So please come along in person and have a sociable pint at least. Further details of the discussion topics are on the Blog. Please post comments if you can't come along.

The club is prepared to subsidise a few select people to attend an ECB coaching course to become an Assistant Coach. If you are able to assist with Junior Coaching next summer, then the NCI Youth Section will contribute to the cost. There is a "women only" course in Feb 07, but women are also welcome on the other sessions in October and November. Email me if you would like further details and an application form.

We are planning some intensive coaching at Fenners before Christmas. It will differ from last year in that we need definite commitment to fund the coach and hall. Last year the club subsidised to get the whole ladies thing off the ground. But I am sure you will agree the coaching was excellent and really launched some promising cricketing careers. If you are interested then let me know or better still come along on Wednesday to the pub.

Now we have really hit the big time as we will be playing in a Ladies league next year. This will mean 6 home games (on Parkers Piece) and 6 away games, the furthest being Ipswich where we played a friendly last year. This is our chance to seek revenge on the non-appearing Battisford and the teenage tantrum Woolpit. You can see how they all ended up this season on this link; right at the bottom of the page after all the men's results (hrrrrmph!)
We will also have the opportunity to enter the National Knockout Tournament which took me to Lords as 12th man. If you fancy running out on the same ground as Shane and Freddie then sign yourself up for some winter nets.

The AGM is Friday 1st Dec which you are all welcome to attend at NCISSC. You can voice opinion and vote on issues like subs, club officers/roles etc. There is a pre-AGM meeting on Thursday 28th September to discuss what will be discussed at the AGM. (I'm just the messenger.)

Saturday 21ST October at NCISSC. Buffet, bar and boogie for about £15.

If you want to see the cult hero Monty Panesar, Mr 20:20 Darren Maddy plus other cricketers who I don't recognise, then join Charlotte Edwards, England Ladies Captain, at Ramsey CC on Sunday Sept 24th. Her dad died of cancer this year and she is raising money for the Macmillan Trust. See the link for further details.


C u Weds. Mine's a pint of IPA.

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