Monday, September 11, 2006

A Perfect Day for Cricket on Parkers Piece

Despite the fact we had another case of the disappearing opposition, Sunday was a beautiful day for playing cricket on Parkers Piece. We had plenty of support so managed a 30 over game with seven a side. This included yet more new recruits to our development squad. Catherine from Romsey brought her personal coach (and dad) with her, which was an excellent idea as Andy proved invaluable as player/umpire/field placing consultant. Also we had Paula and Caroline moonlighting from Cambridge Papworth. Topped up with testosterone from Steve and Richi. It all made a very close game.

Everybody had a chance to bat (more than once in some cases) and bowl and get some real match style practice. Well done to Margreta for stepping in to bowl her first over – thanks to me inadvertently overlooking the rules for 10 year old bowlers. I would pass the buck to the Child Welfare Officer who should have been on the case but I know her own welfare was a cause for concern due to excessive alcohol abuse the night before. (What an example to younger players Naomi!) Catherine showed a very mature attitude to the game and was very competent bowling despite the fact I made her bowl several yards more than she is supposed to. (Naomi I really need a briefing on this stuff before I get struck off for child cruelty.)

Erica was back with a bang from chasing criminals in Barcelona. They obviously don’t realise this woman kept wicket to Richi AND survived albeit with a broken bone. She also does counselling for abandoned women. What a fine upstanding contribution to society – especially for a teenager. Well done in getting trillions of points in your funny old baccalaureate exams and how dare you go off travelling and abandon the team? We’re all going to need counselling now!

It was great to have the experienced hands of Caroline behind the wicket and trying some of her suggested close in fielding tactics was exciting. Paula scored 56 and showed us where the boundaries were – on all sides. Thank you Paula we hadn’t really noticed them up to now. Sam overcame her nerves to fox a few with her unique bowling style and took a very valuable wicket which brought to an end Caroline’s innings at 31 runs. Beth was really made to feel uncomfortable on the forward defensive (not) and plugged away at a good opening partnership with Paula. Tresco and Straussy have a lot to learn from you.

Our international duo Deepti and Dharshie were their usual consistent all-rounding selves. Some spectacular diving around the field Deepti. Lois made a most valuable contribution getting the urn going at a very critical stage of the game (the end) and bowled really well. Take those positive urn thoughts out with you to bat Lois. Imagine you are batting for the Ashes not tea leaves. Faith came galloping back into the game fresh from a horsy time on Exmoor and faced up to some testing bowling tempting her down the wicket. (Get your parents to stay in the pub a bit longer next time then you’ll get more wickets.)

I managed 21 runs, two wickets and played my part as bowler in what is often referred to by cricket commentators as a “horrible mix up” between Steve and Richi which left the latter stranded at the wrong end. Not a sight we see very often - Richi run out!!! And he couldn't blame Mattie 4 hats umpire for that one. (Thanks for umpiring Matt.)

The only down side of the seven a side is that we clearly had more running to do in the field as my legs are killing me today. Last word for the Woman of the Match – Connie. She took 7 wickets, got three run outs and was 126 not out!! Wow! I hope your boy had a great birthday and that he appreciates the sacrifices you and the team have made for him.

You did however miss a very enjoyable game and great atmopshere. But just when you thought it was all over.........

Practice 6pm Wednesday
Despite the nights drawing in the weather has improved and everyone seems optimistic of a knockabout on Wednesday evening. Pub afterwards is The Eagle not The Cricketers for some reason. Don’t take it personally Audrey.

Sunday Games
Richi is organising a 20:20 match Ladies XI v U13s in the morning.
Followed by
NCI v Romsey Friendly 1.30pm start. Applications from Ladies are welcome for this XI.

Let Richi know for both games as I am away up in Leeds doing a reverse Connie with my Mom.

C u Weds.

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